Appreciation Night's in Griya Kinasih

One of the main mission from this humanitarian organization is to help children (especially underprivileged children) who has financial difficulties and not able to continue their study without help.

Beside providing dormitory for these underprivileged children, Griya Kinasih also support these children in education programs.

The educational assistance that given is free education, which means the underprivileged children could go to their school without worrying about how to pay the school.

In this very special event, Griya Kinasih held an event to celebrate any children who entered top 10 in their classes.

These children will receive various gifts from this humanitarian organization.

Goal from this event is to give appreciation to all the children who have been studied hard and also to give spirit and motivation.

Griya Kinasih, a humanitarian organization helping underprivileged children achieve a better life. 

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Other Program and Event from Griya Kinasih

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Girls Dorm / Boys Dorm

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children 

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Donation 

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Education