One of the main mission from this humanitarian organization is to help children (especially underprivileged children) who has financial difficulties and not able to continue their study without help.

Beside providing dormitory for these underprivileged children, Griya Kinasih also support these children in education programs.

The educational assistance that given is free education, which means the underprivileged children could go to their school without worrying about how to pay the school.

One education programs example is educational assistance for university.

Different from other educational assistance, the educational assistance for high school student have a different approach.

There will be conducted a strict selection for any underprivileged children who will go to college or university.

This selection is used to see which underprivileged children are serious about going to college and also which kids that have good capability to go to university.

The criteria for the selection are have great score in secondary to high school, not in a relationship, no fighting, no drinking alcohol.

The selected children will be given the opportunity to have a side job. The disadvantage children who have a side job will be provided a motorcycle for them.

This motorcycle will help them for work.

About the installment payment of the motorcycle, this kid can help to pay the installment if they have extra money from their salary.

But if they don’t have extra money, the motorcycle will be lent to them for free.

Donation from sponsors and other benefactors are helping this humanitarian organization to funded their children.

Griya Kinasih, a humanitarian organization helping underprivileged children achieve a better life. 


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Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Education

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Education

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Education

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children / Education 

Humanitarian Organization / Underprivileged Children